Be Bold, Not Brash

We all have seen many who have fallen. Jesus warned that the love of many would grow cold. Do not presume it cannot happen to you. Our enemy has been deceiving mankind for thousands of years. Our experience, on the other hand, spans for but a brief moment. It is wisdom to recognize that we do not know all there is to know concerning warfare.
Therefore, be bold, but never brash or arrogant in your prayer life. Use your spiritual authority administratively, compassionately, but never presumptuously. Multitudes of well-meaning but ignorant Christians have approached the field of spiritual battle with flippant attitudes and have suffered greatly for it. Study and seek confirmation from the Lord for your strategies.
Gracious and loving heavenly Father, be my companion always. May I know You as You have revealed Yourself in the Scriptures. Daily illuminate my mind with Your wisdom. Strengthen me that I may stand on the day of battle, confident in the One who defeated all evil. Hallelujah! Amen.


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