
Showing posts from April, 2018


Have you ever been in a fight and felt like giving up? I’m not talking about a literal fight, but a fight for your peace of mind, or an inner struggle that challenged you?  The saying, “You don’t get what you want, you get what you fight for” was all I could think of as I made the decision to flip over on my back and start swimming toward my goal. I was halfway through my first half Ironman swim, and I was determined to not make the mistake of stopping and treading water when I got tired. No matter what happened, I would fight forward! It’s amazing the things we can accomplish when we are properly motivated. For me, my motivation was a shirt—the Ironman shirt that I would wear only if I completed the event. When I needed motivation to keep going, I just had to think about that shirt, unwearable forbidden fruit, unless I finished! I would get a surge of adrenaline every time I remembered what I was fighting for. By making the choice to fight forward, continually moving in the di


Pick your pain” is something I say to myself every day. On this side of eternity, we all suffer from some form of pain, exercise induced or non-exercise induced. For me, the aching feet and sore muscles after a long run are a small price to pay for the health benefits gained from exercising.