Obedience Always Brings Blessing
The Lord’s simple
requests often serve as stepping-stones to life’s most wonderful
blessings. Simon Peter illustrates what can happen when we say yes to
One day a
large crowd pressed around Jesus while He preached (Luke 5:1-11).
Wanting to use Peter’s boat as a floating platform to address the
multitude, Jesus asked the future apostle to push the vessel a little
way from shore—not in itself a remarkable request. But Peter’s
compliance paved the way for a life-changing blessing. From his example,
we learn how essential it is to obey God in even the smallest matters.
the conclusion of His lesson, the Lord commanded Peter, “Put out into
the deep water and let down your nets for a catch” (5:4). Perhaps Peter
was tempted to decline. He was a seasoned fisherman, after all. He’d
worked the entire night for a catch but had returned empty-handed. Now
this young teacher (a carpenter, not a fisherman) was asking him to fish
faith, Peter responded: “Master, we worked hard all night and caught
nothing, but I will do as You say and let down the nets” (5:5). It’s
this reply that demonstrates the beginning of Peter’s lifetime faith in
God. The soon-to-be disciple chose to obey the Lord and leave the
consequences of his decision to Him.
a result of his obedience, Jesus demonstrated His power and
sovereignty. Peter and his partners may have started the day thinking
their efforts had yielded nothing, but the day ended with their complete
amazement as they pulled in not one but two overflowing
boatloads of fish (5:7). Saying yes to the Lord’s request resulted in a
miracle that transformed not only one fisherman’s life but the lives of
the entire group.
you’ve hesitated to obey God in your life because you fear the
consequences of your decision. But the Lord commands you to fear Him
above all else. The same sovereign, omnipotent God who keeps your heart
beating and the planets orbiting is more than able to handle the results
of your obedience. When you choose to obey Him, He will bless you.
Obedience always leads to blessing. Therefore, make it your goal to obey the Lord and watch Him work in your life.